Friday, August 03, 2007
Girma Kassa /Chicago
August 3, 2007
August 3, 2007
Two weeks ago cudp leaders, popular human right activists, reporters... were released from the notorious Kaliti prison. Why did the regime release them? Why now? What were the terms and the conditions of their release? I will prefer to defer these questions for some other time while I focus mainly on the important question that many Ethiopians are asking today. What next?
The release of some prisoners was a first step in the right direction. However, it is not the end by itself. One must not forget that prisoners landed in kaliti prison in the first place for a reason and for a noble cause to build an Ethiopia that is prosperous, democratic and united where its citizens are not living in fear and tyranny anymore, regardless of their age, gender, religion and ethnic affiliation.
Unfortunately, what we observe lately from Addis Ababa is not encouraging. There are still thousands of political prisoners (from Kinijit, ONC, OLC, ONLF, civic groups ...) who are still languishing in prison all over the country.
Contrary to what they agreed, the EPRDF officials are trying to deny the released prisoners the right to continue their political activity under the name “KINIJIT”. They are using the National Election Board of Ethiopia (NEBE) as their tool to systematically block CUD leaders their constitutional right of self-association. (The NEBE is an institution that is 100% controlled by the regime).
The public media (ETV, Radio Fana ...) failed to report to the public the recently released two statements of CUD when the VOA, DW and other international media outlets are widely reporting them. We have listened the Prime Minister Meles, Ato Bereket, Ato Lidetu, Ato Temesguen on Ethiopian Television. However, there were no interviews of Eng Hailu Shawel, Judge Birtukan Mideksa, Ato Siye Abraham or any released prisoner. This show the determination of the ruling party to directly or indirectly stifle CUDP leaders and its serious challengers like Ato Siye from having access to the public. (So much for democratic culture)
For their own sake, Prime Minister Meles and his friends must come to terms with the truth and the reality. They need to listen the advice of their former comrade, Ato Siye Abraham, who emphatically said that there will be no peace where there the law is not ruling. They need to open up their heart for a genuine reconciliation.
The solution for our country is only dialog. As long as there is honesty and understanding from all sides, it is very easy to tackle any problems together. As Dr Yacob Hailemaiam once wrote from Kaliti prison, the difference between EPRDF and CUDP is minor as long as there is a positive attitude (Kenenet) from all sides.
It is therefore with good intention and respect for all parties that I respectfully lay down seven recommendations that could help us move forward. I call for:
1. the ruling party to unconditionally release the remaining political prisoners that are still languishing in various jails all over the country.
2. Prime Minister Meles Zenawi to resign. I think the nation is grateful for his 16 years public service. As his friend Tony Blair did, it is time for him to step aside. Individuals like the former popular mayor of Addis Ababa, Ato Arkebe Ekoubay or the former military strategist and the then chief of staff, General Tsadkan Gebre Egziabeher may constitutionally replace Ato Meles and take the premiership on a provisional basis.
3. The CUD leadership to assume the administration of Addis Ababa and join the current Ethiopian parliament.
4. The formation of an independent commission that implements ways to improve and establish democratic institutions. The media, the national board of election, the judiciary, the Police, the armed forces must all be free from a one party control.
5. The various armed groups (OLF, ONLF …) to renounce violence and join the peaceful political process. Violence and the resort to armed struggle will never bring solution to our country. The culture to solve difference with a barrel of the gun must be put to an end once and for all.
6. The ruling party to allow exiled political parties (EPRP, MEISON ..) legally function within Ethiopia.
7. A speedy peaceful resolution with Eritrea and the withdrawal of Ethiopian forces from Somalia.
It is my hope and prayer that all parties will heed my call and join together to work for freedom, peace, equality and good governance so that we can, together, focus our energy to combat our common enemies: poverty, disease and illiteracy.
Though, it seems impossible or difficult to achieve the above 7 recommendations, with the Almighty God on our side anything is possible.
May God Bless Ethiopia!