Tuesday, November 13, 2007



November 13, 2007

HR2003 has been the main topic of discussion and engagement of the Diaspora community mainly in the United States. Now the HR2003 talk is extended to the airwaves in Ethiopia.

The regime of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi has not ceased amazing us with its lies, deceptions and complete disregards towards the people of Ethiopia. This time the regime is comparing HR2003 as the “wuchale woul” (a 19th century agreement signed between Italy and Ethiopia during the reign of Emperor Menelik II).

Recently released CUD leader are being accused by Arat Kilo, as working against the interest and constitution of Ethiopia. Particularly the heavy campaigns of deception and intimidation against Judge Birtukan Mideksa, the vice chairperson of the CUD, and Dr Berhanu Nega, elected mayor of Addis Ababa have intensified and incomprehensibly being ludicrous.

HR2003 as its title indicates is a bill that promotes accountability in Ethiopia. If I were the one who coined the title, I would have added the word “reconciliation”, for HR2003 is a bill that encourages dialog and reconciliation among all political parties within Ethiopia.

SEC. 4. m subsection a) item 2)-“The Secretary of State shall-- establish a program focused on reconciliation efforts between the Government of Ethiopia and political parties, including in minority communities, in preparation for negotiation and for participation in the political process.” [1]

SEC.5 , subsection c) and item 2)- “It is the sense of Congress that the Government of the United States should--encourage the Government of Ethiopia to enter into discussions with opposition political groups interested in reconciliation in order to bring such groups into full participation in the political and economic affairs of Ethiopia, including their legalization as political parties, and provide such assistance as is warranted and necessary to help achieve the goal described in this paragraph; “ [1]

This bill is a bill that promotes and encourages dialog of all political organizations in Ethiopia. It does not call for the elimination of the EPRDF as some in the opposition camps are advocating; nor does it support the futile, unethiopian and meaningless attempts of the regime in Arat Kilo to destroy the CUD or any organizations that it considers treats to its totalitarian monopoly of Ethiopia. The bill calls for Ethiopians to solve their problems in a dialog and on their own. Is that being anti-Ethiopian ?

Does the EPRDF think that calling for dialog and reconciliation is damaging the interest of Ethiopia? Does it think that bringing all parties together and hammer out differences peacefully as an act of treason? Would it not be better for the EPRDF to declare a cease fire in Ogaden and other regions in Ethiopia and allow armed groups like the ONLF/OLF function peacefully in the main stream political process? Would it be wise for the EPRDF to consider itself as invincible and try to solve all problems with only force and intimidation?

If the EPRDF is really committed for peace and reconciliation (as it has been telling us day and night in its controlled media), I do not see any reason why it would oppose this “reconciliation” bill.

As to the CUD, it is an organization that has consistently advocated peace and dialog. The CUD believes that all groups, including the EPRDF, must be part of the solution. For the CUD, the ONLF, the OLF, the EPRDF members..are all the same, Ethiopian brothers. The message it relays to all is identical and clear: the message of peace and the message of brotherhood. No Ethiopian is an enemy of another Ethiopian.

During their trips in the Diaspora, they have been stressing that the culture of violence must stop. They have been calling for the EPRDF to open its arm to hug other Ethiopians instead of rampaging them down with guns. They called the ONLF/OLF and all armed groups come to the non-violent and peaceful struggle. They supported HR2003 because it reflects its 8 point democratic conditions it has put forward two years ago and encourages democracy in Ethiopia.

I think the latest propaganda by the EPRDF is nothing but a shameful act to a greatest proportion with no merits at all. I believe they are unleashing this empty rhetoric mainly to intimidate CUD leaders who are currently on a working visit in the Diaspora so that they do not return back to the country they love. With w/t Birtukan Mideksa and others in exile and with a toothless and weak CUD possibly run by Ato Ayele Chamisso, it will be a dream comes true for EPRDF officials that would give them another 15 to 20 years control of the Ethiopian political landscape.

Fortunately that will not happen. The EPRDF officials are miscalculating again. They should have known better who CUD leaders are. For them to think for one minute that there might be a possibility that leaders of CUD would not return back to Ethiopia is very funny. W/t Birtukan Mideksa has emphasized in her final speech to Kinijit Supporters (in Calgary) that she and her colleagues will return back to Ethiopia with honor and without any inch of fear and continue leading the CUD. She called for all Ethiopians to stand by the CUD something that she and the struggle she is leading will surely get.

It would have been better instead for the EPRDF leaders to stop digging for nothing and come to term with the reality. For their own sake, for the sake of their own supporters and the people of Ethiopia at large, they would better stop their non-sense propaganda about “wuchale/HR2003” and genuinely seek ways to put and end to the political crisis in Ethiopia. The ball is in their court. Time is running.

The solution for our country is only dialog. As long as there is honesty and understanding from all sides, it is very easy to tackle any problems together. As Dr Yacob Hailemariam, a high ranking CUD official once wrote from Kaliti prison, the difference between EPRDF and CUDP is minor as long as there is a positive attitude (Kenenet) from all sides.

Let us all come to our sense, avoid unnecessary rhetoric against one another and work hard to change the miserable destiny of our country once and for all, together. It is time we put an end to our long standing mistrusts and hate to one another and focus our energy to combat our common enemies: poverty, disease and illiteracy. It is time to believe in ourselves and get rid from our within the spirit of despair, pessimism and defeatism.

The bodies of our brothers are being dragged on the street of Mogadishu. Innocent Somalis are dying and leaving their home in hundred of thousands. Civilians in Ogaden are being sandwiched and are suffering because of the civil war. The demons of war that are thirsty to drink the blood of our bothers are looming over the sky of Northern Ethiopia.

IT IS TIME TO PUT AND END TO WAR AND BLOODSHED. I call for the good conscious of Prime Minister Meles Zenawi, the ONLF leaders, President Issayas Afeworki of Eritrea, President Yusuh of the Somali Transitional government and Sheik Sherif of the former ICU to show a civilized 21st century leadership and give priority to saving innocent lives. I ask them to put themselves in the shoes of civilians, for once, and spiritually feel the pain and lamentations of millions that are suffering because they refuse to solve their personal differences in a dialog.

Dear fellow Ethiopians, we can do it. We have all the natural and human resources we need. We have the Almighty God who is ready to help us should we embrace one another with love and forgiveness. I believe, if we all humble ourselves we can do great miracles!!!!

May the Almighty Lord open our heart for his Love and our mind for his wisdom!

With Prayer and With High Optimism,

Girma Kassa.



[1] http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/F?r110:26:./temp/~r11041dHnt:e0:

Saturday, November 03, 2007


Making Ethiopia First only in the domain name

November 3, 2007

Attached below is a letter to ethiopiafirst.com editor written on August 22, 2007. In that letter I registered some of my discontents to some of his reporting. I hope and believed his deeds would line up to where his words are and corrections would be made from his part.

Unfortunately, ethiopia.first has demonstrated to me and millions of Ethiopians that it is a partisan website of hate and division that has a sole purpose and intention of undermining and crushing the momentum of democracy. The website has proven itself to be nothing but independent as it claimed to be.

Judge Birtukan Mideksa addressed Ethiopians in Minnesota and apologized for some unfortunate mistakes made in the name of Kinijit by some who were associated with Kinijit. That speech was a speech that was intended to bridge the gap and help bring to the tent Ethiopians who were forced to be on different side because of the politics of hate that has been looming over us. It was a speech targeted against one of the major enemy of Ethiopia, which is hate.

For Judge Birtukan to take responsibility for the mistakes made in the name of Kinijit requires wisdom, courage and maturity. When acts of courage, humility and rapprochement are seen from the part of the CUD, instead of applauding and encouraging it, how come ethiopia.first is becoming first to discredit it? Is that making Ethiopia first?

That is not making Ethiopia first. That is making Ethiopia last.

Many CUDP leaders are planning to return to Ethiopia sometime soon but may head directly to Kality Prison.” writes ethiopiafirst.com, trying to play the politics of fear and intimidation. As someone who has been portraying himself as a friend of Prof Ephraim Issac (one of the shemageles) how dare does he even entertain the idea that CUD leaders may go to Kaliti prison?

CUD leaders consistently have been preaching peace and reconciliation. They said that EPRDF is not enemy and that they can work together. Their demand is democracy and the rule of law. They rejected any attempt to impose one’s will by force be it from the EPRDF or the ONLF. They stressed that only dialog and establishment is the solution for our Ethiopia. They called for both the EPRDF and the ONLF to come to the table and avoid humanitarian crisis in our eastern part of our country.

If ethiopia.first thinks that such 21st century civilized and peaceful politics actions deserve punishment then is that making Ethiopia first?

That is not making Ethiopia first. That is making Ethiopia last. I think the domain name of “ethiopiafirst.com” should have been “Ethiopialast.com”

With disgust and anger,

Girma Kassa.

PS. Below is the original letter I wrote to Ethiopiafirst.com

August 22, 2007

Dear Ethiopia First Editor:

Before I jump to the main topic I would like to discuss in this writing, allow me to share with you that he domain name of your website (Ethiopia first) is the name I like most. What we are missing in Ethiopia these days are perspectives that put Ethiopia first in deeds.

As a regular visitor of your website I have observed a unique and different standard of assessing situations in Ethiopia. Though I strongly disagree in some of your reporting (which I will detail later), your continued advocacy for peace and reconciliation is something that need to be applauded and appreciated.

On August 7, you wrote:

Again, I want to thank P.M. Zenawi & the rest of the administration, CUD leaders and Shemagelewoch for giving reconciliation a chance. It is high time for all media outlets - inside the country and in the Diaspora - to act responsibly. Let us not be part of the problem, but be part of the solution. Yichalal! “

I do agree with your plea and join you in calling for a new beginning. We all must do all our best to positively make contributions to make this embryonic peace and reconciliation initiative grows. I do agree, we should not be part of the problem but be part of the solution. You are absolutely right, it is possible to have new directions and change the unfortunate destiny of our country. Yes, indeed, if there is the will and the honesty from all sides “Yichalal”. We can make Ethiopia the FIRST.

However I respectfully bring to your attention some troubling trends I have lately observed in your website. To illustrate my points I would list one concrete example that has forced me to speak out against ethiopiafirst.com. I am doing this out of respect to your contributions and hoping your would take our discontent seriously.

On August 9, I listened to the interview of Ato Bereket Simeon with horror. To my surprise this interview is linked at the top of a webpage, many of us believed was genuinely advocating peace and the well being of ‘Emmama “ Ethiopia. In this shameful interview, Ato Bereket said:” We (The EPRDF) have made the CUD leaders kneel down before us and beg for mercy.”

Does ethiopiafirst.com editor think that such rubbish talks from the part of Ato Bereket et colleagues are helpful? Is that being part of the solution when ethiopiafirst itself posted and publicized such demonic interview at the top of its main page? Is this not poisoning the efforts of the elders (shemageles) whom we admire and respect for what they were able to accomplish (be it as mediators or emissaries)?

The EPRDF officials, even while prisoner of conscious were still in jail, unleashed massive propaganda campaigns against CUD leaders solely to humiliate and embarrass them. Contrary to the spirit of reconciliation, they continued arrogantly their politics of intimidation and deception. [1][2]

Such actions surely have cornered the elders and made their efforts very difficult. If elders were seen with suspicion by many Ethiopians, it is because of such negative actions from the part of officials in Arat Kilo and the failure of the elders themselves to correct and clarify distorted misinformation. Tough, the high regard I have for them have not diminished, I believe elders have made serious mistakes one of which is their absolute silence in front of “brouhaha” of the Arat Kilo officials.

CUD leaders refused to be dragged in this politics of hate and empty arrogance. For the sake of peace and reconciliation, they refrained from striking back and from responding in kind to the propaganda campaigns of Bereket et like. Instead they deferred all matters to the brinkmanship of elders out of their determination to turn around the history of Ethiopia from its history of bloodshed and break the cycle of violence and hate to peace and love once and for all. They stayed above the fray.

As far as the letter they signed prior to their release, they clearly indicated that the letter circulated by the EPRDF (that was linked on ethiopiafirst.com) was not the letter they signed. In their first official post Kaliti statement CUD leaders said:”

” Even though the statement released by the government is different from the agreement reached between the elders and us, it is our belief that the elders will make public the true content of the agreement at a time and in a manner that is convenient to them” [3]

Has ethiopiafirst.com made efforts to acquire the true document signed by CUD leaders from the elders themselves? If the answer is “No”, then would that help the reconciliation effort when ethiopiafirst is being used as a tunnel to transmit deceptions and misinformations? Is that being part of the solution? Would it not be helpful to tell Ethiopians the truth?

I think ethiopiafirst.com and other media outlets must recognize that the role they play is a very critical one. I think they must not let those who are not interested in the well-being of our country define the politics and agenda of Ethiopia . The defeat or victory of the “weyanes” does not bring solution in our country. All of us have to be winners. All of us have to be part of the solution. Therefore our goals must not be on damaging or helping the regime but on working for Ethiopia. Let our politics not be the politics for or against the EPRDF but the politics for Ethiopia. Let us not be content in seeing the humiliation and embarrassment of other fellow Ethiopians. Instead let us take the pain of others as ours and hold hand in hand together to lift up one another.

With honesty, positive attitude and good will from all parts, I believe we can turn around once and for all the bad and unfortunate images Ethiopia has been having in today world.


Girma Kassa.



[2] http://www.waltainfo.com/EnNews/2007/Jul/16Jul07/CUD.htm

[3] http://www.kinijitethiopia.org/docs/Press%20Release/english_CUDP.pdf

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