Thursday, September 07, 2006
A Tribute to Judge Birtukan Mideksa

Judge Birtukan Mideksa is the vice chairperson of Kinijit. She has served as a judge in Ethiopia. During her judgeship she has shown courage and integrity by ruling the ex-defense Minister of Ethiopia and a strong foe of Prime Minister Meles zenawi to be free.
Ato Siye Abraham is a well respected person among the rank and files of the TPLF fighters. Many give him credit for the sweet and heroic victory of Ethiopia over the devilish regime of Ato Issayas Afeworki.
Ato Siye is seen as a hero by many Ethiopians from Tigray. The vice chairperson of Kinijit has protected the right and dignity of the man respected and loved by the majority of Tigryans. (This by itself is one solid proof that the leadership of KINIJIT is friend of Ethiopians from Tigray contrary to the big lies of the TPLF cadres)
Judge Birtukan has tried to teach Prime Minister Meles Zenawi and his cadres the rule of law. What a courage !!!!
On top of this , vice chairwoman Birtukan Mideksa has been consistently showing courage and leadership from kaliti prison.
The inspiring letter she wrote from prison to all Ethiopians is one example and can be found at :
She courageously confronted and exposed the shameful act of the American Charge D'Affairs as well.
Many of us are calling her "Dagmawit Taitu". Dr Getachew Abera wrote the following in response to her message.
Judge Birtukan is a mother of a baby child. As many of us she could be out of prison easily by agreeing to the demand of the ruling party. However, she sacrificed the benefit her child can get by having his mother by his side, because she loves her country. There is no additional benefit that she got that we did not get from Ethiopia. However she stood for her principles, her faith and her law ethics.
Judge Birtukan deserves our support. We should not sleep until we see her released. Let 1999 be the year where Dagmawit Taitu can freely play with her kid. Let 1999 be a year where all Ethiopians get mobilized and fulfill their historic responsibility to save Kinijit and Ethiopia. let 1999 be the year where Ethiopians, particularly those in the diaspora be freed from their bondage, the bondage of insensitivity, the bondage of selfishness, the bondage of identity crisis, the bondage of empty pride, the bondage of arrogance, the bondage of petit talk. Let 1999 be a year where Ethiopians become like the jews who labour day and night for safety , prosperity and security of the State of Israel. Let 1999 be a year where Ethiopians become people of action and results.
Shame on us for not doing enough to free Judge Birtukan Mideksa. Let 1999 be the year we can be proud of.
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I like Burtuan Mideksa, she appears to me an intelligent woman and brave lady, but I never heard of her speaking or read her writing to understand her core values and beliefs. She appeared in to the political field a month before she was arrested. I believe her rise to the highest position must have been based on her political views and beliefs on issues that matter to Ethiopia. Everything I read about her were written by others on her behalf while she is in prison which appears to use her rather than promote her core values and competence. I would be grateful if some could direct me to her political speeches, writing or at list a first hand account of her political involvement in the l struggle against EPRDF/Shabia in the last 14 years. Above all I want to know her aspiration for the Ethiopia people.
Hope she will be free soon!!! FREEDOM TO ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS
Hope she will be free soon!!! FREEDOM TO ALL POLITICAL PRISONERS
I like your blog.
Specially giving tribute to the Judge. Ms Birtukan.
I think, it's about time for a real strong, educated woman figure in Ethiopia.
I see that people are ready for change.
God bless Ethiopia.
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Specially giving tribute to the Judge. Ms Birtukan.
I think, it's about time for a real strong, educated woman figure in Ethiopia.
I see that people are ready for change.
God bless Ethiopia.
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