Monday, March 26, 2007


The Law is not ruling in Ethiopia

On March 23 , we have seen again a dram at the court in Kaliti. One of the judge did not enough show up. Justice delayed is justice denied. This is another clear indication that the Law is not ruling in Ethiopia.

Meles Zenawi is telling us the issues of the prisoners is in the hand of the court. However, the evidences on the ground are contradicting him.

From the court proceeding of Kaliti prisoners , Siye Abraham and many many more ..cases, no one shoud be naive in believing that there will b justice in Ethiopia.

Therefore it is up to all Ethiopians to rise up and and get free ourselves from this police state that is rampaging our country. The Current dictators in Arat Kilo must be confronted and and removed.

Please refer to link below for an article in Amharic that tellns us in black and white what the EPRDF is.

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